Master Cook continues to be chosen by many for its versatility and functionality. This ceramic clay pot combines all the good points of clay pots, making it a versatile cookware that can be used for cooking, simmering, frying, boiling, steaming, and baking.
The greatest feature of clay pots is their radiation of far-infrared rays. Master Cook has been proven to emit an ideal radiation waveform of about 91% of far-infrared rays. It also boasts high heat resistance and strength, so you can safely heat it dry. Acid resistance tests have proven that it contains no lead or cadmium, making it an ideal clay pot that pursues both functionality and safety.
Review from Kanakoya
"Master Cook is an exceptional addition to any kitchen. Its versatility and safety features make it a must-have for those who appreciate quality cookware. We highly recommend it for all your cooking needs." - Kanakoya

"マスタークックは、どのキッチンにも素晴らしい追加アイテムです。その多用途性と安全機能は、高品質の調理器具を好む人々にとって必需品です。すべての調理ニーズにお勧めします。" - 加奈子屋